What you'll learn
Scripts are used to automate repetitive work and can improve developer productivity. When building Node.js applications, you can use npm to create scripts that you can use to automate tasks, such as transpiling with Babel, or starting the server in developer or production mode. In this project, you’ll create scripts to automate your build and development tasks using npm scripts.
Table of contents
- Set up your local environment for projects. We'll walk you through everything you need to know, including how to install and configure your environment to be able to complete all of the tasks.
Creating scripts For The Build Process
- Create a set of scripts that'll be used to build the project.
Creating scripts to Find And Fix Lint Errors
- Create a set of scripts that'll be used to verify lint rules and automatically fix the lint errors if possible.
Creating scripts To Run The Application
- Create scripts that'll be used to run the application.