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Working with React for Javascript Developers

Course Summary

The Working with React for Javascript Developers class is designed to demonstrate the essentials of building UI components with React.

The course begins with an introduction to React and helpful development tools. Next, it examines functional and class-based components. The course concludes with an examination of hooks, patterns and React Router.

Pre-Requisites: Students should have some experience with programming in general and working knowledge and practical experience of Modern JavaScript. Some React experience is a plus.

Provide JavaScript developers with the essential knowledge necessary to build UI components with React.
Current JavaScript developers looking to learn how to use React in their applications.
Software Developer - Web Developer
Skill Level
3 Days
Related Technologies
Front-End Development Training | React


Productivity Objectives
  • Understand what React is and what problem it solves
  • Explore the basic architecture of a React component
  • Gain deeper knowledge of React.js components and JSX
  • Utilize React Hooks
  • Learn React.js best practices and common patterns
  • Employ React Routing to build Larger Apps

What You'll Learn:

In the Working with React for Javascript Developers training course, you'll learn:
  • Introduction
    • What is React?
    • What problem does React solve?
    • Development Ecosystem
    • React versus other frameworks
  • Development Tools
    • Create React App project generator
    • React Developer Tools
    • Running and Debugging a React Application
    • Role of Node.js
    • Purpose of React and ReactDOM
  • Functional Components
    • What are Components?
    • Create Element and JSX
    • Benefits of JSX
    • Fragments
    • JavaScript Arrow Functions
    • ES2015 Modules
    • JSX and Expressions
    • Displaying Collections of Data
    • JavaScript Array Maps and React Keys
    • Passing Data with Props
    • Validating Props with PropTypes
    • Default Props
    • Using Memo
  • Class-Based Components
    • JavaScript Classes and Extends
    • Configuring State
    • Lifecycle Methods
    • Context of Event Handlers
    • Class Properties and Class Arrow Functions
    • PropTypes and Default Props on Classes
  • Hooks
    • Overview of Hooks
    • State Hook
    • Effect Hook
    • Ref Hook
    • Callback Hook
  • Other Topics
    • Composition vs. Inheritance
    • Patterns: Specialization, Containment, and Higher Order Components
    • Lifting State Up
    • Forwarding Refs
    • Context
    • Portals
    • Error Boundaries
  • React Router
    • What problem does routing solve?
    • Declarative Routing
    • Connecting Routes and Components
    • Passing Data Between Routes
    • Page Pattern
    • Lazy Loading and Routing
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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