RxJava is a Java VM implementation of ReactiveX (Reactive Extensions): a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. It is a relatively new way of expressing and composing streams of data as well as asynchronous computations.
The course begins by exploring RxJava principles. Next, fundamental concepts such as backpressure and hot vs. cold observables are explored. The course concludes with creating observables and functional operators and understanding their behavior.
Learn to use advanced constructs such as subjects, handling and retrying on errors, and publishing events to the UI. |
Developers and developer teams looking to learn to leverage RxJava. |
| Software Developer |
Skill Level
| Intermediate |
| Learning Spikes - Workshops |
| 2 Days |
Related Technologies
| Java |
Productivity Objectives
- Use creation operators.
- Discuss debugging operators.
- Describe distributed design principles and best practices.