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Migrating to Apache Struts 2

Course Summary

The Migrating to Apache Struts 2 training course is designed to demonstrate the insight required to migrate an existing Apache Struts 1 application to Apache Struts 2.

The course begins with an overview of the current state of Struts and reasons to move to Struts 2. Next, it reviews what's new and what's deprecated in Struts 2. The course concludes with a lesson on simple migration and a complete re-write migration.

Learn how to migrate from Apache Struts 1.x to Apache Struts 2.x.
Experience Java web developers who are currently using Struts 1.x and want to adopt Struts 2.x.
Business Analyst - Project Manager - Software Developer - Technical Manager
Skill Level
1 Day
Related Technologies
Apache Struts


Productivity Objectives
  • Describe the motivations for using a model-view-controller framework such as Apache Struts
  • Identify and implement key Struts Model-View-Controller (MVC) elements
  • Create an Apache Struts based web application from scratch
  • Deduce how to migrate a simple JavaServer Packages (JSP)/JavaBeans application to Apache Struts
  • Create a strategy for migrating to Struts 2
  • Implement Struts 2 migration strategy

What You'll Learn:

In the Migrating to Apache Struts 2 training course, you'll learn:
  • Current state of affairs for Struts
  • Motivations for moving to Struts 2
  • What's new in Struts 2
  • What's deprecated in Struts 2
  • Simple migration to Struts 2
  • Complete re-write migration
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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