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Behavior-Driven Development Using Ruby

Course Summary

The Behavior-Driven Development Using Ruby training course teaches developers to utilize Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) techniques using Ruby. BDD is an approach in Agile software development that simplifies the testing of software. BDD originated out of Test-Driven Development (TDD), where developers build a test first, fail the test on purpose, then code a feature to finally pass the test.

The course starts with an exploration of the background of BDD as well as the various common tools used in BDD, like RSpec, Cucumber, Webrat, Selenium. The course then transitions to performing BDD using RSpec and Cucumber in the context of a Ruby on Rails application. Finally, it goes into a deep dive on both RSpec and Cucumber. The course would be useful for developers and developer teams using Ruby who need to ensure that their software is robustly tested.

Learn how to utilize BDD techniques using Ruby.
Experienced Ruby/Ruby on Rails developers looking to adopt the BDD paradigm.
Software Developer - Web Developer
Skill Level
Learning Spikes - Workshops
4 Days
Related Technologies
Ruby on Rails | Selenium | Testing


Productivity Objectives
  • Utilize the BDD testing methodology correctly to build and test simple applications
  • Leverage tools like RSpec, Cucumber, Webrat, and Selenium to execute tests within a Ruby and Rails environment
  • Demonstrate competency with the majority of the API and features of Cucumber and RSpec
  • Build a simple Rails application using the BDD methodology

What You'll Learn:

In the Behavior-Driven Development Using Ruby training course, you'll learn:
  • Background and Overview of BDD
  • Introduction to Common BDD Tools: RSpec, Cucumber, Webrat, Selenium
  • Understanding the Behavior-Driven Development Cycle
  • Robust Testing Techniques Using Rspec and Cucumber
  • Tool Deep-dive: Cucumber
  • Tool Deep-dive: Rspec
  • Developing a BDD Rails Application
  • Real-world Practices and Techniques
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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