In this API Testing and Automation course, you'll learn:
API Basics, Testing Techniques, and Manual Testing
- Introduction to API Fundamentals
- Overview of APIs and Uses: Understanding REST, SOAP, and GraphQL
- Data Formats: JSON vs XML structures in API requests and responses
- HTTP Methods and Protocols (HTTP/S, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
- Understanding response status codes (2xx, 4xx, 5xx)
- Client-Server and 3-Tier Architecture
- Architecture Basics: Roles of client, server, and database
- API Placement: Position of APIs in middleware for enterprise applications
- Manual API Testing Techniques
- Using SOAP UI: Sending HTTP requests, examining responses, and validating statues codes, headers, and payloads
- Testing Essentials: Response code validation, date format verification, and error handling
Designing API Test Plans, Case Development, and Basic Automation
- Creating an API Test Plan
- Structure of an API Test Plan: Purpose, scope, and types of tests
- Test Case Documentation: Defining functional and non-functional tests, reusable test cases
- API Testing Techniques
- Test Types: Data-driven testing with CSV and JSON sources
- Response time and load testing
- Scripting basics in SOAP UI
- Writing test scripts for validation
- Writing assertions in SOAP UI
- Organizing requests into logical groups for efficient test execution
- Adding reusable assertions for common scenarios
API Testing Automation
- Using REST Assured with API Test Automation
- Writing and organizing tests
- Defining and configuring environment variables (base URLs, authentication tokens)
- Automated API Test Scripting
- Writing reusable test scripts
- Writing scripts for response body validation, headers validation, and chaining requests
- Advanced Automation Techniques with REST Assured
- Running REST Assured tests for CI-friendly test execution
- Integrating External Data Sources:
- Data-driven testing with CSV and JSON data
- Using dynamic data generation with Faker library
Advanced Testing Techniques, Mocking, and CI/CD Integration
- Advanced API Testing Techniques
- API Chaining: Passing data between request for complex workflows
- Authentication and Authorization Testing: Testing with OAUth2.0, API keys, and bearer tokens
- Mock Servers: Simulating API responses to handle dependencies or unavailable endpoints
- Integrating API Tests with CI/CD Pipelines
- Overview of CI/CD Concepts: Benefits of continuous integration and testing
- Automation Tests in a CI/CD Pipeline:
- Using REST Assured in CI /CD workflows
- Managing reports and interpreting results in a CI/CD environment
- Reporting and Documentation
- Generating Reports: Using SOAP UI and REST Assured to generate HTML, JSON, and XML reports
- API Documentation: Documenting test cases and scenarios to aid collaboration
- Analyzing reports for debugging and optimizing tests
- Setting up chained API requests in SOAP UI and passing values between requests
- Automating a SOAP UI project in a CI/CD setup and reviewing test report formats
Performance Testing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
- Performance Testing
- Load and Stress Testing: Setting up and running load tests with vUser simulations
- Adjusting test configurations (duration, ramp-up) to emulate user traffic
- Monitoring and Scheduled Testing
- Continues Monitoring: Setting up monitors to schedule and automatic health checks for APis
- Analyzing monitor results for real=time API performance and reliability
- Troubleshooting and Debugging
- Debugging Techniques: Using SOAP UI’s logs to inspect API calls
- Analyzing request and response headers, payloads, and server errors
- Conducting a load test in SOAP UI and simulating virtual users
- Setting up a SOAP UI monitor to schedule and automate health checks and reviewing real-time alerts