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PostgreSQL Fundamentals

Course Summary

This course is designed for individuals who are new to databases and SQL. It will build a strong foundation in PostgreSQL as it covers the fundamental concepts of databases, basic SQL queries, and database management. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the essential skills to create and manage databases, write SQL queries, and ensure data integrity within PostgreSQL.

Learn fundamental concepts, basic SQL queries, and database management.
Those new to databases
Business Analysts | Developers | Anyone in a Data Role
Skill level
Lecture | Hands-on Activities
3 days
Related technologies


Productivity objectives
  • Apply essential skills to create and manage databases.
  • Discover procedures to ensure data integrity with PostgreSQL.

What you'll learn:

In this course, you'll learn:
  • Introduction to databases and PostgreSQL
    • Understanding the role of databases in modern applications
    • Overview of PostgreSQL and its advantages
  • Installing PostgreSQL and setting up the environment
    • Downloading and installing PostgreSQL on various platforms
    • Configuring user accounts and access privileges
    • Retrieving data from tables using SELECT
    • Adding new data with INSERT
    • Modifying existing data with UPDATE and DELETE
  • Creating and managing databases and tables
    • Creating databases with CREATE DATABASE
    • Creating tables with CREATE TABLE
    • Modifying tables with ALTER TABLE and DROP TABLE
  • Understanding data types in PostgreSQL
    • Working with numeric, character, and date/time data types
    • Handling NULL values and default values in columns
  • Querying multiple tables with JOINs
    • Understanding different types of JOINs (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN)
    • Using aliases for table names and column names
  • Aggregating data with GROUP BY and HAVING
    • Grouping data based on specific criteria
    • Filtering grouped data with HAVING clause
  • Working with subqueries
    • Using subqueries in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements
    • Correlated subqueries and their performance implications
  • Modifying table structure with ALTER
    • Adding, modifying, and dropping columns
    • Renaming tables and columns
  • Ensuring data integrity with constraints (Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique, NOT NULL)
    • Defining primary keys and their importance
    • Creating foreign key relationships between tables
    • Adding constraints to enforce data integrity
  • Data manipulation using functions and operators
    • Using built-in functions for string manipulation, mathematical operations, and date/time handling
    • Understanding operators and their precedence
  • Working with views for data abstraction
    • Creating and managing views
    • Using views to simplify complex queries
  • Understanding transactions and their properties (ACID)
    • Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability of transactions
    • Managing transactions with BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
  • Implementing transactions with BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK
    • Ensuring data integrity and reliability with transactions
  • Introduction to indexing and optimizing query performance
    • Understanding indexing and its impact on query speed
    • Creating and managing indexes for faster data retrieval

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