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Don't Leave It On the Table

Course Summary

The Don't Leave It On the Table training course is designed to provide a comprehensive refresher on negotiation styles and tactics in a safe practice environment. Negotiation is a critical competency that is essential for professionals at any stage of their career. It is also a skill that can be honed.

The course course aims to enhance participants' negotiation skills, enabling them to achieve strong results, better prepare for multiple outcomes, and handle the complexities of negotiation execution effectively.

Do you have a significant negotiation coming up? Be prepared to use it as a case for your exercises.

Learn how to achieve strong results from negotiations, better prepare for multiple potential outcomes, and address the issues of great negotiations that end with solution execution.
Anyone who is interested in applying a higher level of rigor for better results from their negotiations.
Business Analyst | Data Engineer | Data Scientist | Project Manager | Q/A | Software Developer | System Administrator | Technical Manager | Web Developer
Skill Level
2 Days
Related Technologies


Productivity Objectives
  • Identify and apply multiple negotiation styles
  • Apply a simple process-driven approach to consistently improve negotiation outcomes
  • Develop stronger agreement executions
  • Utilize negotiations to strengthen relationships with negotiation partners

What You'll Learn:

In the Don't Leave It On the Table training course, you'll learn:
  • Introduction to Negotiation
    • Understanding negotiation as a critical competency.
    • Impact of strong negotiation skills on organizational success.
  • Negotiation Styles and Conflict Resolution
    • Exploring different negotiation styles: collaborative, competitive, compromising, avoiding, accommodating.
    • Assessing your preferred style.
    • Identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • When and Why Negotiations are Held
    • Organizational impact of effective negotiations.
    • Consequences of poorly executed negotiations.
    • Case Study: Analyzing real-world examples of successful and unsuccessful negotiations.
  • Negotiation Approaches:  Win-Win vs. Win-Lose
    • Understanding the principles of win-win negotiations.
    • Recognizing when win-lose approaches are appropriate and their risks.
    • Role-playing different negotiation scenarios to practice win-win and win-lose approaches.
  • Preparing for Successful Negotiations
    • Identifying your negotiation partner and understanding their motivations.
    • Defining what is at stake in the negotiation.
    • Developing a comprehensive preparation plan.
  • Setting the Stage for Negotiation: Strategic Planning
    • Setting clear objectives and expectations.
    • Establishing a conducive negotiation environment.
    • Setting the agenda and establishing ground rules.
  • Handling Different Scenarios
    • Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst.
    • Defining the best possible outcomes and preparing contingency plans.
    • Planning for potential obstacles and worst-case scenarios.
    • Review and Compare:
      • Evaluating different negotiation strategies and their outcomes.
      • Identifying key stakeholders and their interests.
  • Start to Finish Negotiation Process
    • End-to-End Negotiations.
    • Applying the negotiation process to a complex scenario.
    • Ensuring success thorough preparation, execution, and follow-up.
    • Receiving feedback and refining negotiation techniques.
  • Review and Reflection
    • Developing personal action plans to continue improving negotiation skills.
    • Action Planning:
      • Creating a roadmap for applying new skills in real-world negotiations.
      • Setting goals for continued professional development in negotiation.
“I appreciated the instructor's technique of writing live code examples rather than using fixed slide decks to present the material.”


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