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  • Number of Courses10 courses
  • Duration22 hours
  • Skill IQ available Skill IQ

TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It extends JavaScript by adding optional static typing, making it a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript. This means that any valid JavaScript code is also TypeScript code, but TypeScript allows for the specification of types for variables, functions, and properties. This feature helps developers detect errors early in the development process, improving code quality and maintainability.

Designed to make the development of large-scale applications more manageable, TypeScript is versatile enough for use in developing both client-side and server-side (using Node.js) JavaScript applications. Its integration with popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, along with powerful tools like type checking and autocomplete suggestions, enhances the development experience and productivity.

The adoption of TypeScript has grown significantly, with many in the development community embracing its benefits for projects ranging from small to enterprise-level applications. Its compatibility with existing JavaScript code and the ease of incrementally adopting typing in projects make TypeScript a valuable tool for developers looking to enhance their JavaScript applications with the benefits of static typing.

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