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Using ChatGPT to Code a Full-stack Web Application

by Amber Israelsen

It can be hard to keep up with technology. Wouldn’t it be nice to have an assistant to help you learn new tech, write code, and even debug? This course will teach you how to use ChatGPT as an assistant to develop an end-to-end web application.

What you'll learn

As a developer, you’re constantly learning new languages and technologies, and also trying to keep your skills fresh on existing technologies. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some help? In this course, Using ChatGPT to Code a Full-stack Web Application, you’ll learn to leverage ChatGPT as your assistant to plan, build, debug, and test an end-to-end web application from scratch–even if you don’t know much about the languages or technology. First, you’ll discover how to use ChatGPT for ideation and design of the application. Next, you’ll explore how to write and debug code, leveraging ChatGPT’s ability to learn new things on the fly. Finally, you’ll learn how to write and run unit tests using instructions from your AI assistant. When you’re finished with the course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of ChatGPT needed to be more productive in your work and learning.

About the author

Amber has been a software developer and technical trainer since the early 2000s. In recent years, she has focused on teaching AI, machine learning, AWS and Power Apps, teaching students around the world. She also works to bridge the gap between developers, designers and businesspeople with her expertise in visual communication, user experience and business/professional skills. She holds certifications in machine learning, AWS, a variety of Microsoft technologies, and is a former Microsoft Cer... more

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