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Guided: Portals and APIs in React

In this Guided Code Lab, you will create an interactive Movie Info Application using React. You'll learn key React concepts like components, state management, APIs, and portals while fetching and displaying movie data dynamically in a modal window. By the end, you'll have a fully functional movie listing app and practical experience in modern web development. Perfect for beginners or those looking to sharpen their React skills!


Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 4m
Clock icon Aug 16, 2024

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge


    In this Code Lab, you will build a Movie App that allows users to explore a variety of movies and view detailed information through a modal interface. Along the way you will learn to use React components, Portals, and hooks, efficiently manage state, and dynamically interact with APIs to fetch and display movie data.

    Tasks can be validated by clicking on the validate buttons next to them. If you are stuck or would like to compare solutions, a solution directory has been provided for you as well.

    Application Features:

    • Movie Listing: Display a comprehensive list of movies fetched from an API.
    • Dynamic Modal Display: When a user clicks on a movie, a modal should appear with detailed information about the selected movie.
    • Interactive User Interface: Ensure smooth interactions and a responsive design that enhances user experience.

    How the Application Functions:

    • The homepage displays a list of popular movies fetched from an API.
    • Users can click on any movie title to open a modal with detailed information about that movie.
    • The modal provides a user-friendly interface for exploring more about each movie without leaving the main page.

    You Will Work Within the Following Files:

    • App.jsx: Manages the overall application layout and logic for rendering components
    • MovieList.jsx: Handles fetching and displaying a list of movies with click interactions
    • MovieModal.jsx: Manages fetching and displaying detailed information about a selected movie in a modal

    Directory Structure:

    • src/components
      • App.jsx: The main application component managing the layout and rendering logic
      • MovieList.jsx: Component responsible for fetching and displaying the list of movies
      • MovieModal.jsx: Component for rendering a modal with detailed movie information
    • src/styles
      • App.css: Styles for the main application layout and elements
      • MovieModal.css: Styles specific to the movie modal interface

    Server and Backend Details:

    While this lab focuses on front-end development, it involves fetching data from a pre-configured API. The server-side details are abstracted, allowing you to focus on React development and user interaction.

    Starting the Server:

    You need to start the server by running the command below in the Terminal: npm run dev -- --host

    This will start the server along with API's on port 3000.

    Head over to the Web Browser tab and use the Open in new browser tab icon to try out the application!

    Server Code:

    The server is built using Express.js, a popular web framework for Node.js. It uses middleware like cors to handle cross-origin requests, ensuring the front-end can safely interact with the backend without running into cross-origin issues.

    Exposed Server Endpoints

    • GET /api/movies: Fetches the list of available movies
    • GET /api/movies/:id: Retrieves detailed information about a specific movie based on its ID

    Excited? Time to dive in and create an engaging movie exploration experience!

  2. Challenge

    Implement Movie List Fetching and Listener for Managing Click

    First, you need to create a responsive movie list by fetching data from an API that has been made available to you, and handle user interactions in the user interface.

    You will begin by defining a state variable to hold the movie list, this is going to be crucial for ensuring your component can respond to changes in data, such as fetching new movie information or updating existing data. This allows your application to maintain a responsive and interactive user interface. Now, you need to to fetch data from an API and display it within a React component. Fetching data is crucial for creating dynamic applications. For this, you will use the fetch() API, a modern and versatile way to make HTTP requests to servers from web browsers. fetch() returns a Promise that resolves to a Response object, representing the response to the request, which you can use to read the response data and status.

    Important React Concepts

    • useEffect Hook: This allows you to perform side effects in function components, such as data fetching, subscriptions, or manually changing the DOM. It is typically used to initiate fetch operations when the component mounts, ensuring that the data is retrieved and processed at the correct time.

    • await Keyword: This pauses the execution of an asynchronous function until a Promise is resolved. It makes asynchronous code more readable and maintains the flow of synchronous code.

    • useState Hook: This manages state within functional components, enabling you to store and update data that changes over time, such as a list of movies fetched from an API.

    • Error Handling: This is essential in data fetching operations. Use a catch block to handle any errors that occur during the fetch process, such as network issues or server errors. Logging errors to the console helps diagnose and resolve issues effectively.

    Data Fetching Example

    useEffect(() => {
      async function fetchData() {
        try {
          const response = await fetch('/api/data');
          const sampleData = await response.json();
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
    }, []);

    This snippet demonstrates how to fetch data using fetch() and await, update the component state with the retrieved data, and handle potential errors gracefully. Next, you need to render the list of movies using React's JSX syntax. Rendering lists in React involves iterating over an array of data and returning JSX elements for each item, which is a common pattern for displaying dynamic content.


    • JSX allows you to write HTML-like syntax in JavaScript, which is transformed into React elements. When rendering a list, you can map over an array of data and return a JSX element for each item.

    • When rendering lists, each element should have a unique key prop to help React identify which items have changed, been added, or been removed. This improves performance and avoids issues with the rendering process.

    • Use JavaScript's map() method to iterate over the array of movies and return a list of JSX <li> elements. Each <li> should contain the movie's title and director.

    • You can handle click events by attaching an onClick event handler to elements. This enables interaction and communication between components.

    Here's an example as to how you would normally render an array of objects representing books, showcase their titles and authors, and handle clicks to notify the parent component about the selected book.

      {books.map(book => (
            <li key={book.id} onClick={() => onBookClick(book.id)}>
              {book.title} by {book.author}

    You need to manage the selected movie ID. This is crucial because it allows for dynamic interaction within the application. By keeping track of the selected movie, the UI can be updated to show a modal with specific details or perform actions based on the user's choice. Such dynamic interaction is essential for creating a responsive and engaging user experience. Once you have state in place, you need to implement an event listener in the App component to handle user interactions with the movie list. This involves capturing the movie ID when a user clicks on a movie and updating the application state. Next, you will render the MovieList component in the App component and pass an event listener to manage user clicks. This integration is essential for facilitating communication between components and ensuring the UI updates dynamically in response to user interactions. Well done! Head over to the Web Browser tab and use the Open in new browser tab icon to try out the application! You will see the movies being fetched and displayed as a list.

  3. Challenge

    Implement Movie Details Fetching and Modal

    You'll now be focusing on implementing and integrating the MovieModal component to enhance the user experience by displaying detailed information about each movie when it is selected. This step involves utilizing React Portals to create a modal that overlays the application interface, allowing users to view additional details without navigating away from the main page.

    What is ReactDOM.createPortal?

    ReactDOM.createPortal is a tool in React that lets you display a component outside of its normal parent. This is helpful for things like modals, tooltips, or dropdown menus, where you want the component to appear outside of the usual layout without affecting the parent component's style. By using createPortal, you can place elements in a specific spot in the DOM, making it easier to manage their appearance and behavior on the page.

    To create a portal, use the following syntax:

      children, // The JSX content to render
      container // A DOM element where the children will be rendered
    • children: This is the content you want to render in the portal. It can be any valid JSX or React component.
    • container: This is the DOM node where the content will be rendered. It should be a direct reference to a DOM element, typically obtained via document.getElementById. Now that you have the containers set up in the MovieModal component, it's time to display the movie details such as the title, director, and description. Now, you need to to fetch movie details from an API. Fetching data is crucial for creating dynamic applications. For this, you will use fetch() API, a modern and versatile way to make HTTP requests to servers from web browsers. fetch() returns a Promise that resolves to a Response object, representing the response to the request, which you can use to read the response data and status.
  4. Challenge

    Display Movie Modal and Handle Modal Closure

    It's time to focus on handling the closure of the modal. By resetting the selected movie ID the application will hide the modal, providing users with a clear and intuitive experience. You will do this by setting the selectedMovieId state to null. You now need to render the MovieModal component in the App.jsx file. You already have access to the selectedMovieId, and the MovieModal should only be rendered when selectedMovieId exists. This ensures that the modal is displayed dynamically based on the user's interaction with the movie list. For this, you can make use of conditional rendering using && operator. This way, you guarantee that the modal appears only when a specific movie is selected, thereby creating a more interactive and responsive user experience. Awesome! Head over to the Web Browser tab and use the Open in new browser tab icon to try out the application! Currently, the modal displays when a movie is selected from the list, but there is no way to close it. Adding a button to close the modal is essential for providing a smooth and intuitive user experience. You are done! Head over to the Web Browser tab and use the Open in new browser tab icon to try out the application! See the movies being fetched. Click on any movie to see the movie information. Once the information is displayed, select Close at top to close the movie information.

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