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Guided: Build a CSV File Viewer in Svelte

This Guided Code Lab will help you get up to speed with several of the core concepts of the popular JavaScript framework - Svelte. You will be guided along a series of steps as you build a real application that will help you learn about Svelte components, reactive primitives, and directives. By the end of the lab, you will have a fully functioning Svelte application that will allow you to upload and visualize a CSV file.


Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 34m
Clock icon Feb 04, 2024

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    ### Introduction

    Handling file uploads and viewing the data within those files is an integral part of many applications. In this Guided Code Lab you will be building a CSV File Viewer in Svelte. You will receive a partially complete application that you will finish up as you follow each step in this code lab. By the end of this lab, you will have built yourself a Svelte application that can visualize CSV files within a data table.

    Svelte is gaining popularity as a JavaScript framework primarily because of its simplicity and fast, compile-time optimizations. In this lab, you will get a taste of the simplicity of Svelte as you focus on learning about events, passing data between components, and visualizing data within HTML tables.

    info> In the Terminal, run npm run dev -- --host to start a development server. The application will be available, with hot module replacement, at {{localhost:5173}}. Open this URL in a different tab so you can observe your changes in real time.

    Completed Svelte components have been added to the solutions directory. You can view these at any time if you get stuck!

  2. Challenge

    ### Reactive Statements and Dispatching Events

    At its core, the Svelte framework is just simple HTML, CSS. and JavaScript. Svelte components are comprised of a single file that contains places for each of the above technologies.

    Each component contains:

    • A script block for JavaScript code
    • A style block for CSS styles
    • A place to put arbitrary HTML markup

    In this step, you will be working on implementing the existing FileInput component located at src/components/FileInput.svelte. This component will be responsible for:

    • Providing the file upload input that will upload a CSV file
    • Using the papaparse third-party library to parse incoming CSV files by way of a Svelte reactive statement
    • Dispatching an event that sends the data upstream to a parent component Now you need to connect this input HTML element to the files component property that exists within your FileInput.svelte component script. To do this, use a bind directive.

    The bind directive let's you connect local component properties to data from child components or arbitrary HTML elements. The bind directive will keep your component properties in sync! Svelte includes reactive capabilities by default within the framework. Reactive statements make it extremely easy to execute some code any time one of your component properties changes!

    In Svelte $: marks a statement as reactive. The FileInput component contains a reactive if statement that you will use to parse an uploaded CSV file. Great! Now that you have your actual CSV file data, you need to inform your parent component that a successful upload happened by using an event dispatcher.

    Event dispatchers do just what the name implies - they dispatch events! Event dispatchers allow your components to create and send out custom events. You can name these events anything you'd like and they can contain a generic payload as well. Great job! After all of the above tasks are complete, you should now have a FileInput component that renders a file upload input on to the page that will let you upload a CSV file into the application.

    info> There is a CSV file containing some Wall Street financial market data available to test with within the static folder when it comes time to upload CSV files to your application! To download this file, you can simply click on the ellipses to the right of the file and select Download.

    But you aren't doing anything with the uploaded CSV file yet... let's move on to the next step!

  3. Challenge

    ### Component Event Binding and Props

    It is often necessary to pass data between Svelte components. You can pass data from parent components to child components by using component properties or "props". You can also pass data to parent components from child components via event binding.

    In this step, you will:

    • Bind an event handler to the FileInput component's upload event.
    • Import a child component into a parent component and pass data to it via props.
    • Learn how to connect a CSS class in a component's style block to HTML markup. In the last step you set up an event dispatcher such that your FileInput component will fire off an upload event containing the parsed CSV file data. You now must bind to this event in the top level page component. Well done! You should now be able to navigate to the web browser containing the running application ({{localhost:5173}}) and see a basic data table showing up once a CSV file is uploaded. But where are the rows that are supposed to populate within the table? Let's get to that in the next step!
  4. Challenge

    ### Populating Tables with Data

    Tables are perfect for visualizing CSV files in the browser. In this step, you will learn how to use Svelte to create and populate HTML tables.

    In this step, you will:

    • Style the table housed within the DataTable component.
    • Learn how to use #each logic blocks to iterate over data and create HTML markup.
    • Bind component event handlers to HTML click events.
    • Learn how to use #if logic blocks to render different text and HTML onto the page based on the value of a component variable. Every major JavaScript framework has the ability to generate HTML elements for a given dataset. Svelte is no different! It provides this ability via the #each logic block. Equally as important as the #each logic block, the #if logic block allows you to conditionally render a chunk of HTML. Usually you will want to check the value of a component prop or internal variable and render some HTML elements or text differently depending upon whether the value of this variable is true or false. Well done! You should now be able to view the full working version of this application at {{localhost:5173}}.

    Try to upload a CSV file and visualize the data in your table! Remember, there is a CSV file containing some Wall Street financial market data available to test with within the static folder.

  5. Challenge

    ### Conclusion

    Great job!

    You now have a CSV File Viewer application built via Svelte. To continue your learning, view the other Svelte Code Labs and Video Courses that Pluralsight has to offer!

    If you want to keep exploring and take this app even further, here are some questions to consider:

    • Can you add a button next to the file upload input that will allow you to clear the data currently within the table?

    • Can you add a button to each header element in the table that will allow for erasing a given column?

    • How might you use a store to hold the parsed CSV data and consume this data directly within the DataTable component, no longer needing to pass the data to this component as a prop?

Zach is currently a Senior Software Engineer at VMware where he uses tools such as Python, Docker, Node, and Angular along with various Machine Learning and Data Science techniques/principles. Prior to his current role, Zach worked on submarine software and has a passion for GIS programming along with open-source software.

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