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Challenge: Building an Auction Application with Spring Framework 6

This lab is designed as a Challenge Lab, you'll start with several requirements and build out a basic Spring Framework application and gradually move to more complex concepts. By the end of this Lab you will have a working auction application that you can use as a reference for future projects.


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Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 1h 0m
Clock icon Nov 01, 2023

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge


    In this Lab, you'll build a comprehensive Spring Boot application for an auction system. Starting with the AuctionApplication class as your foundation, you'll define the Item entity class that represents an auction item in a Java Persistence API (JPA) repository. You'll also create a CrudRepository interface to handle CRUD operations for our Item entity.

    Next, you'll construct two Spring MVC Controllers: ItemController for fetching items and populating the model, and AdminController for managing administrative tasks for items.

    Finally, you'll create Thymeleaf templates to dynamically render your list of auction items (index.html), present an admin view with functionalities (admin.html), and provide a form for creating or editing items (form.html). This Lab will give you a thorough understanding of building a functional Spring Boot application, combining Spring MVC, Spring Data, and Thymeleaf templates.

    Running the Application: This project uses gradle so to run the application use the command gradle bootrun from the Terminal. There may be some points where you run into compiler errors that will prevent the application from starting. If that happens check the solutions. Once the application is running it can be view in the Web Browser tab.

  2. Challenge

    Application Class

    The AuctionApplication class lies at the heart of your Spring Boot application. Annoted with @SpringBootApplication, this class seamlessly configures Spring for you while enabling component scanning. The SpringApplication class from the Spring Boot framework is your key to bootstrapping a Spring application from a Java main method. To run your application, simply call the run() method from the SpringApplication class. This nifty method returns a ConfigurableApplicationContext that you can tuck away for later use.

    Relevant File: /src/main/java/com/pluralsight/auction/AuctionApplication.java


    1. Import the SpringApplication Class: Import the SpringApplication class from the Spring Boot framework. This class is used to bootstrap and launch a Spring application from a Java main method.
    2. Run the Application: Start the Spring application. This is done by calling the static method run() from the SpringApplication class. This method returns a ConfigurableApplicationContext that you can use later if needed. But for now, just start the application by passing two arguments to the run() method.
  3. Challenge

    Item Entity Class

    The Item entity class is a crucial part of our auction setup, serving as an Entity class for a JPA (Java Persistence API) repository. This class represents an auction item, complete with properties like name, description, seller, price, and reserve. To access these properties, you'll equip your class with getters and setters. Plus, you'll design a constructor that accepts parameters for each property, making it a breeze to create new Item instances.

    Relevant File: /src/main/java/com/pluralsight/auction/Item.java


    1. Define Properties: Define the properties for the Item entity. These properties should include name, description, seller, price, and reserve. Remember to specify the correct data types for each property.
    2. Create Getters and Setters: After defining the properties, your next task is to create getters and setters for each property. These methods will allow other parts of your code to read (get) or modify (set) the values of your properties.
    3. Define a Parameterized Constructor: Finally, you should define a constructor that accepts parameters for each property (except the id, which is automatically generated). This constructor will make it easy to create new Item instances with specific values.
  4. Challenge

    Spring Data CrudRepository Interface

    In this step, you'll be crafting a Spring Data repository interface that can handle the CRUD operations for your Item entity. The CrudRepository interface from Spring Data is your ticket to these operations, and your ItemRepository interface will extend this, specifying Item and Long as the type parameters.

    Relevant File: /src/main/java/com/pluralsight/auction/ItemRepository.java


    1. Import the CrudRepository Interface: Import the CrudRepository interface from Spring Data. This interface provides several methods for common CRUD operations. You can do this by typing import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository; at the top of your file.
    2. Define the ItemRepository Interface: Define an interface named ItemRepository. This interface should extend CrudRepository, which requires two type parameters: the entity class and the type of the entity ID. In this case, you'll use Item and Long.
  5. Challenge

    Item Controller

    Next, you'll build a Spring MVC Controller that utilizes the ItemRepository to fetch items. It then populates the model with these items for rendering in the view. To achieve this, you'll rely on the Autowired, Model, GetMapping, and the ItemRepository classes and interfaces.

    Relevant File: /src/main/java/com/pluralsight/auction/ItemController.java


    1. Import Required Classes: Import all the required classes and interfaces. These include Autowired, Model, GetMapping, and the ItemRepository interface that you created in the previous module.
    2. Inject the ItemRepository: Use dependency injection to get an instance of ItemRepository. You can use the @Autowired annotation to do this. Also, create a constructor to set the ItemRepository instance to a class level variable.
    3. Define the listItems Method: Define a method named listItems that will handle GET requests at the root URL ("/"). This method should use the ItemRepository to fetch all items, add them to the model, and then return the name of the view that should be rendered ("index").
  6. Challenge

    Thymeleaf template: `index.html`

    In this step, you'll create a Thymeleaf template named index.html that will serve as the canvas for rendering our list of auction items. The body of this page will house a <main> element, within which you'll nest a <section>. This section will then generate an <article> for each item in the items attribute of the model.

    Relevant File: /src/main/resources/templates/index.html


    1. Create the Main Content Area: In the body of the page, create a <main> element. Inside this element, create a <section>.
    2. Display the Auction Items: In the section, create an <article> for each item in the items attribute of the model (which was set in the ItemController). For each article:
      • Display the item's name in a <h3>.
      • Display the item's description in a <p>.
      • Display the item's price and seller in a <footer>. Use the th:utext attribute to generate the content.
  7. Challenge

    Admin Controller

    Now, you'll put together a Spring MVC Controller named AdminController. This controller will oversee administrative tasks for items, including listing all items, creating a new item, saving an item, editing an item, and deleting an item.

    Relevant File: /src/main/java/com/pluralsight/auction/AdminController.java


    1. Import Required Classes: Import all the required classes and interfaces. These include Autowired, Model, ModelAttribute, PathVariable, GetMapping, PostMapping, and the ItemRepository interface that you created in the previous step.
    2. Inject the ItemRepository: Use the @Autowired annotation to get an instance of ItemRepository. Also, create a constructor to set the ItemRepository instance to a class level variable.
    3. Define Controller Methods: Define the following methods:
      • listItems: Handles GET requests at the "/admin" URL, fetches all items, and adds them to the model.
      • newItem: Handles GET requests at the "/admin/new" URL, creates a new Item instance, adds it to the model and renders the form.html template.
      • saveItem: Handles POST requests at the "/admin/save" URL, saves an item to the repository, and redirects to the "/admin" URL.
      • editItem: Handles GET requests at the "/admin/edit/{id}" URL, fetches an item by its ID, adds it to the model and renders the form.html template.
      • deleteItem: Handles GET requests at the "/admin/delete/{id}" URL, deletes an item by its ID, and redirects to the "/admin" URL.
  8. Challenge

    Thymeleaf template: `admin.html`

    Here, you'll construct a Thymeleaf template that presents auction items in a table format for an admin view. This view will provide additional functionalities like creating a new item and editing or deleting existing items.

    Relevant File: /src/main/resources/templates/admin.html


    1. Create a Table to Display the Auction Items: Add a table. The table should have headers for ID, Name, Price, Reserve, Seller, and an empty header for actions.
    2. Add a Link to Create a New Item: Above the table, add a link that navigates to "/admin/new" to create a new auction item.
    3. Display the Auction Items in the Table: In the table body, create a row for each item in the items attribute of the model. For each row:
      • Display the item's ID, name, price, reserve, and seller in separate cells.
      • In the last cell, add links to edit and delete the item. The edit link should navigate to "/admin/edit/{id}", and the delete link should navigate to "/admin/delete/{id}". The {id} in the URLs should be replaced with the item's ID.
  9. Challenge

    Thymeleaf template: `form.html`

    In your final step, you'll create a Thymeleaf template for an auction item form. This form will give users the ability to create a new item or edit an existing one.

    Relevant File: /src/main/resources/templates/form.html


    1. Create the Form
      • In the body of the page, create a <main> element. Inside this element, create a <section>.
      • In the section, create a <form> with the action set to "/admin/save" and the method set to "post". The form should use the item attribute of the model as the object.
    2. Add Input Fields to the Form
      • In the form, add input fields for the item's ID, name, price, reserve, description, and seller. Use the th:field attribute to bind each input field to a property of the item.
      • The ID field should be a hidden input field.
      • Each input field (except for the ID field) should be wrapped in a <label>.
    3. Add Buttons to the Form
      • At the bottom of the form, add a submit button with the text "Save".
      • Next to the submit button, add a link with the text "Cancel". The link should navigate back to the admin page.

    When submit the form you may receive an error message that says This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.. This is a function of the form being submit in an iframe. If you refresh you should see the changes.

  10. Challenge


    Congratulations 🎉, on successfully completing this Spring Lab! You've taken important steps in your journey to learn Spring Boot.

    Throughout the lab, you've built a complete auction system, starting from the ground up with the AuctionApplication class, moving to defining the Item entity class, and setting up a CrudRepository interface to handle CRUD operations.

    You've also gotten hands-on experience with building Spring MVC Controllers, specifically the ItemController and AdminController, each with its own responsibilities in managing auction items.

    Moreover, you've learned how to create dynamic Thymeleaf templates for various views, such as listing auction items (index.html), presenting an admin view with functionalities (admin.html), and providing a form for creating or editing items (form.html).

    These skills are not only critical for building Spring applications but also lay a strong foundation for your journey in Java web development. Well done on your achievement and keep up the good work!

Tom is a staff author at Pluralsight helping to develop Hands-On content. Tom's background in software development, UI/UX, and instructional design was developed over the years while working as a faculty member at the School of Computing at Weber State University in Utah, and continues to grow as he develops Projects and Labs for Pluralsight. When he's not creating content to allow learners to gain real-life experience, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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