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Challenge: ASP.NET Core and gRPC - Implementing Services


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Clock icon 20m
Clock icon Mar 01, 2023

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Implement the Service

    A service has been defined in the Protos/chat.protobuf` file. Now let's implement the service. Now that you're done. Please move onto the next Step! Great Job!

  2. Challenge

    Wiring up the Service To ASP.NET Core

    Now that you have the service implemented, let's add gRPC to the Server Configuration. Great job!

    Solution! You can review the solution in the CompletedExercise directory in the filetree.

Shawn Wildermuth has been tinkering with computers and software since he got a Vic-20 back in the early '80s. As a Microsoft MVP since 2002, he's also involved with Microsoft as an ASP.NET Insider and ClientDev Insider.

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