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Using systemd cgroups

Knowing how to control the processes on your system, keep them running properly, keep hungry ones from starving the others and how you can pre-set configuration to make this happen is an important skill for any system operator. All of this becomes a little easier on a systemd system via the use of Kernel Cgroups or Slices. In this lab we'll install some testing tools and create a custom Load Service, then view the results of that load on our system. We'll then make a parameter change and cause the system to recognize and implement our change properly, then observe the results via the `systemd-cgtop` command. We'll then change the service's settings further, then add some more Load Services, and notice that some limitations would be good for the system as a whole. We'll then make some adjustments to those Load Services that brings things into the range of acceptable resource use.

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Path Info

Clock icon Intermediate
Clock icon 30m
Clock icon Sep 18, 2020

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Install Load Software and Create Load Service

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Install testing tools.
    2. Create a load service.
    3. Manage that service's operation.
    4. View load results for the system.
  2. Challenge

    Change the Memory Allowance for the Load Service

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Change the service's settings.
    2. View load results and note differences.
  3. Challenge

    Create More Load Services and Set CPU Allowances

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Add additional load services.
    2. Make adjustments to configuration.
    3. View load results for all load services.

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