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Monitor Ubuntu Linux

In this lab, you’ll practice managing and monitoring your Ubuntu Linux system. When you’re finished, you’ll have skills in managing system based services, targets, and timers, as well as scheduling tasks using cron and at. To top this of, you will be able to monitor and control processes.

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(21 reviews)
Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 1h 45m
Clock icon Oct 29, 2024

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Getting Started in the Lab Environment

    Here are the initial instructions and explanation of the lab environment. Read this while your environment is busy creating itself from nothing. Yes, this violates physics; we know. How fun!

  2. Challenge

    Manage Systemd Services

    Since 2016, systemd has become the system and service manager in Ubuntu Linux, as well as most common Linux distributions. In this challenge, you will learn to manage these system services.

  3. Challenge

    Manage Systemd Targets

    You will now practice using systemd targets, which are the modern equivalents of the legacy runlevels.

  4. Challenge

    Manage Systemd Timers

    Since systemd timer units now replace many traditional cron jobs, you will learn to create timer units.

  5. Challenge

    Automate Scheduled Tasks Using Cron

    In this challenge, you will learn to manage both user and system cron jobs.

  6. Challenge

    Use at to Schedule One-Off Tasks

    The command at will allow you to schedule tasks to be executed just once. You will learn to schedule and view upcoming tasks using at.

  7. Challenge

    Monitor Server Processes

    An important part of managing your server is being able to monitor server performance and running processes. To finish this lab, you will learn these critical steps in monitoring your Linux server.

  8. Challenge

    The Last Challenge

    Welcome to the final challenge! This is your last chance to experiment in the environment. Clicking Finish Lab will end this little world that flittered into existence just for you.

Andrew is a committed evangelist of the Linux Operating System and the concept of community and freedom that it provides. He has worked as a technical trainer since 1995 and has taught throughout the world, including Australia, the US, Germany and Eastern Europe. Andrew started teaching Linux in 2004 when Novell acquired SUSE and has been a long time supporter of Novell and provides SYSOP support the the Certifed Novell Instructor community on Linux. Andrew founded theurbanpenguin and has been submitting video training material to his YouTube channel since 2009 and currently has over 8,500 subscribers and 1.6 Million views. Andrew has had two publications with Packt: Citrix Access Gateway VPX Essentials (2012) and Citrix XenApp (2013).

What's a lab?

Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

Provided environment for hands-on practice

We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.

Guided walkthrough

Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!

Did you know?

On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.