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Manage Linux with sed and awk

In this lab you will practice filtering and editing text at the Linux command line. When you have finished with this lab, you'll have knowledge and experience in using the commands: grep, sed, and awk. You will be able to filter text, programmatically edit text, and create reports from log files; all using free and open source tools.

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(21 reviews)
Clock icon Beginner
Clock icon 2h 40m
Clock icon Oct 29, 2024

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Table of Contents

  1. Challenge

    Getting Started in the Lab Environment

    Here are the initial instructions and explanation of the lab environment. Read this while your environment is busy creating itself from nothing. Yes, this violates physics; we know. How fun!

  2. Challenge

    Filter Text Using grep

    In this challenge, you'll be using the command-line tool "grep" to extract data from text files. Specifically, you'll be searching for pure text within two standard files: /etc/passwd and /etc/os-release. The examples provided will be useful for any system, as they demonstrate how to effectively use grep to search for specific text patterns within these files. With this knowledge, you'll be able to efficiently search for and extract the information you need from text files on any system.

  3. Challenge

    Use Regular Expressions in Searches

    In this task, you will delve into the realm of powerful search capabilities by harnessing the potential of regular expressions. Although clear text searches can be useful, regular expressions take things up a notch, offering an array of advanced search and pattern matching functionalities. By leveraging regular expressions with command line tools and scripting languages, you can undertake more intricate searches and extract valuable information. Throughout this challenge, we will delve into the usage of grep and regular expressions, enabling you to effectively search for and extract complex text patterns from files. By the end of this endeavor, you will have acquired the skills to navigate and conquer even the most intricate textual landscapes.

  4. Challenge

    Work with sed

    You now enter the realm of the stream editor, sed, where files are programmatically transformed, making it an influential tool for manipulating text. Although sed may appear daunting initially, you shall embark on a journey to acquaint yourself with its multitude of options. Throughout this challenge, you will gain proficiency in utilizing sed's options proficiently, progressively honing your skills to effortlessly edit files programmatically. As the challenge unfolds, you will establish a firm groundwork in sed, empowering you to employ it effectively for an array of text editing endeavors.

  5. Challenge

    sed Command and Edits

    So far, you have used a few sed commands: p to print the pattern match, d to delete lines, and s to substitute or replace a pattern. There are more commands, though, to investigate: i to insert a new line above, and a to append a new line below. In this challenge, you'll be working with the /etc/hosts file, and using the -i option with sed to edit it in-place. Your first task will be to remove all empty and commented lines from the file. Next, you'll add a header to indicate that the file is edited and managed using sed, and then add a new server entry. To achieve this, you'll create a sed file to manage the editing process. You'll test your results before proceeding by using the "sudo" command and sed -i to make in-place edits to the /etc/hosts file. By the end of this challenge, you'll have gained valuable experience with sed, and be able to apply these skills to other text editing tasks.

  6. Challenge

    Understand awk

    Prepare to wield the mighty power of awk, an esteemed text processing tool often revered as the "big brother" of grep and sed. While its core function lies in generating reports, awk possesses the remarkable ability to create reports and manipulate text. Your journey begins with an exploration of the foundational concepts of awk, utilizing it to process command text files. Throughout this challenge, you will acquire the expertise to harness awk's potential in manipulating text data and extracting specific information from files. By the culmination of this endeavor, you will have gained invaluable experience with awk, equipping you to proficiently employ its capabilities across a vast array of text processing tasks.

  7. Challenge

    Work with awk and Flat Files

    Delve into the depths of the /etc/passwd file, where entries are separated by colons. However, there are instances where alternative data interchange formats like CSV or YAML prove more convenient. Embark on this challenge as you unravel the realm of awk and its prowess in printing the contents of the passwd file in both CSV and YAML formats. This challenge will empower you to utilize awk in transforming data from one format to another, tailoring it to specific use cases. By the culmination of this endeavor, you will have gained invaluable expertise in awk, enabling you to wield its capabilities adeptly for data transformation into a diverse range of formats.

  8. Challenge

    Analyze web logs with awk

    When systems have public access, it's important to be aware of the potential insecurities and vulnerabilities that can arise, especially when it comes to SSH access. In this challenge, you'll work with a log file that provides examples of possible malicious intent, and use it to create a list of IPs that have attempted to access the root account or invalid users. This list can then be used as a blocklist for firewalls to help protect against potential security breaches. To ensure your own IP is excluded from the list, you'll demonstrate how to use a simple grep filter. By the end of this challenge, you'll have gained valuable experience in analyzing log files and identifying potentially harmful activity, as well as how to create a blocklist to help secure your system.

  9. Challenge

    The Last Challenge

    Welcome to the final challenge! This is your last chance to experiment in the environment. Clicking Finish Lab will end this little world that flittered into existence just for you.

Andrew is a committed evangelist of the Linux Operating System and the concept of community and freedom that it provides. He has worked as a technical trainer since 1995 and has taught throughout the world, including Australia, the US, Germany and Eastern Europe. Andrew started teaching Linux in 2004 when Novell acquired SUSE and has been a long time supporter of Novell and provides SYSOP support the the Certifed Novell Instructor community on Linux. Andrew founded theurbanpenguin and has been submitting video training material to his YouTube channel since 2009 and currently has over 8,500 subscribers and 1.6 Million views. Andrew has had two publications with Packt: Citrix Access Gateway VPX Essentials (2012) and Citrix XenApp (2013).

What's a lab?

Hands-on Labs are real environments created by industry experts to help you learn. These environments help you gain knowledge and experience, practice without compromising your system, test without risk, destroy without fear, and let you learn from your mistakes. Hands-on Labs: practice your skills before delivering in the real world.

Provided environment for hands-on practice

We will provide the credentials and environment necessary for you to practice right within your browser.

Guided walkthrough

Follow along with the author’s guided walkthrough and build something new in your provided environment!

Did you know?

On average, you retain 75% more of your learning if you get time for practice.