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Infrastructure as Code on AWS with CloudFormation

This course covers infrastructure as code on AWS, with a focus on automating the deployment and testing of CloudFormation templates.

Craig Arcuri - Pluralsight course - Infrastructure as Code on AWS with CloudFormation
by Craig Arcuri

What you'll learn

The title of this course begins with "Infrastructure as Code", and what do we do with code? Well, we want to use best practices in writing code, such as storing it securely and using version control. Ultimately, we want to deploy that code, and preferably automate those deployments. So this course, while not being a deep dive on CloudFormation, will be a "deep enough" dive to be proficient with CloudFormation. Then, the focus will shift to deploying CloudFormation templates using deployment pipelines. When we deploy code, we certainly need to test it, so testing will be a significant focus in the course, as well.

Table of contents

About the author

Craig Arcuri - Pluralsight course - Infrastructure as Code on AWS with CloudFormation
Craig Arcuri

Craig has over 20 years of experience in IT in areas ranging from Systems and Network Engineering, Software Development, Technical Project Management, and Amazon Web Services. He has been creating content in Amazon Web Services for over 5 years. Areas of expertise include AWS Certified DevOps Professional, CloudFormation, and the AWS Developer Tools Suite. Craig holds 6 AWS Certifications as well as a Project Management Professional certification.

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