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Develop a Microservice Using Ariadne GraphQL with Django

With a robust API, a backend system can serve several frontend clients. They could be web or mobile-based clients.

Oct 19, 2020 • 8 Minute Read


Most modern applications are developed in a decoupled manner. The front end and backend are separate applications, often connected via an application programming interface (API). This makes knowledge of APIs and API development paramount.

With a robust API, a backend system can serve several frontend clients. They could be web or mobile-based clients.

This guide assumes you have a basic understanding of APIs and Django web framework and at least intermediate-level proficiency in Python and GraphQL.

An introductory guide on Django can be found here.

Ariadne GraphQL

Ariadne GraphQL is an interpretation of graphql for Python. It was developed by the software house Mirumee. Its main aim was to address the shortcomings of graphene.

To install Ariadne and the GraphQL core, run the command below on your terminal.

      pip install ariadne graphql-core

Sample App

For this exercise, you will develop a Django app that displays data from the default Sqlite3 database. The data is a list of schools and their populations.

To get started, start a new Django project by running the below command.

      django-admin startproject school_list

Next, create an app and name it school_stats using the below command.

      python3 startapp school_stats

The app is now set up. What remains is to develop the school model, the Ariadne GraphQL schema that consists of queries and mutations and to configure the URL to show the GraphQL playground interface. The code block below shows the model and what fields make up the database table. Copy the code block into the file.

      from django.db import models

class School(models.Model):
   school_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
   school_population = models.IntegerField(default=100)
   added_on = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
   def __str__(self):
       return self.school_name

The model needs data. To add the data, you will need to access the admin panel. This requires superuser access. The next step is to create a superuser account using the following command.

      python createsuperuser

This will be an interactive process where you will give essential details and register your user. For the app and model to be visible, they need to be registered with the Django project and To register the app and also Ariadne, a third-party app, add their names to the list of installed apps in

Copy the list below to your and replace the existing list.


To ensure the School model is visible on the admin pane, register it in the file. Add the code block below to your file.

      from django.contrib import admin
from .models import School

GraphQL Schema and Resolver

The first step in developing the GraphQL part is developing the schema. In your schema, you will have a mutation for adding schools, a School input object, a query for viewing schools, and a School object that will be returned as a result of the query. Since the schema is simple, you can do an in-file schema. The code block below defines the schema and assigns the type_defs variable. Within the school_stats app, create a file and name it Add the following block.

      type_defs= """

type Query{
    all_schools: [School]

type School {
    id: ID
    school_name: String!
    school_population: Int!

type Mutation{
    add_school(input: SchoolInput): SchoolResults

input SchoolInput {
    school_name: String
    school_population: Int
  type SchoolResults {
        created: Boolean!
        school: School
        err: String


GraphQL Query

To set up the query, you need to return data from the model. This requires a query resolver for the query all_schools created in the schema. In your file, add the following function.

      from ariadne import QueryType, make_executable_schema, MutationType
from .models import School
query = QueryType()

def resolve_schools(*_):
    return School.objects.all()

GraphQL Mutation

Similar to the queries, set up a resolver for the mutation that will create a record in the database.

      mutation = MutationType()

def resolve_add_school(_,info, input):

    school = School.objects.create(school_name=input['school_name'], school_population=input['school_population'])      
    return {'created': True, 'school': school, 'err': None}

Make Schema Executable

To execute the schema and make it available for use in the GraphQL playground, add the following line of code.

      schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query, mutation)

URL Configuration

To configure the URL, configure the main project's file to direct any traffic to the school_stats app using the path function, as in the code block below.

      from django.urls import path, include
from django.contrib import admin
urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('school_stats.urls')),


Next, create a file and load the graphQL view and schema to the default URL.

      from django.urls import path, include
from ariadne.contrib.django.views import GraphQLView
from .resolver import schema
urlpatterns = [
    path('graphql/', GraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema), name='graphql'),
    path('', GraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema), name='graphql'),

Run the App

When all has been set up, the final step is migrating the changes and running the server. To make migrations, run the command:

      python makemigrations

To migrate the model changes into the default database, run the command:

      python migrate

To start the server and run the app, run the command:

      python runserver

API Screens

Sample Mutation

In the GraphQL playground, execute the below mutation to create a record. To create more records, change the variables.

      mutation {
  add_school(input: {school_name:"SchoolZ", school_population:330})

Sample Query



The vital skill of API development can be applied in job positions such as backend developer, API/middleware developer, and full stack developer.

Ariadne GraphQL is a relatively new package, and it has some interesting use cases. To further build on these basics, follow these Django integration and Flask integration guides to learn how to use Django, Flask and Ariadne GraphQL to develop a microservice.

Kimaru Thagana

Kimaru T.

Kimaru is a firm believer of education as a tool of self sufficiency. As software development consultant, living in Kenya, he mainly works to bring small and medium sized business to the internet with custom solutions ranging from data processing to business digitization. Away from the field of coding and computer science, he participates as a mentor for young university students. In his free time, he prefers peace and quiet, away from screens but close to nature.

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