
Bridging the gap between people & possibilities

Bridging the gap between people & possibilities

Calendar icon Feb 20, 2024
Clock icon 10:30 AM GMT-11:30 AM GMT
Globe icon EMEA

What you'll learn

How many times have you seen an article about transformation lately? Digital, data, cloud, workforce—it seems like every corner of the business is undergoing radical change. Even if the buzzwords shift tomorrow, transformation is a necessity. But given how much change we've all experienced in recent years due to the impact of Covid-19, SCC regulations and now Gen AI, just where do you even begin to focus your efforts?  And how do you keep your transformation on track and delivering results when faced with so much external change?

Learn practical steps to identify what to prioritise and how to deliver effective, meaningful transformation to achieve strategic objectives.

MC Nolan

Presenter: Mary-Christine Nolan, VP of Global Professional Services, Pluralsight


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