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Writing Testable Code

In this course, you'll learn how to write code that is easy to test. These skills will make practices like unit testing and test-driven development easier to accomplish.

Matthew Renze - Pluralsight course - Writing Testable Code
by Matthew Renze

What you'll learn

Testable code is code that makes automated testing quick, easy, and enjoyable. In this course, Writing Testable Code, you'll learn how to write code that is easy to test. These skills are necessary to refactor code that is difficult to test into code that is easily testable. First, you'll be introduced to testable code, and how creating seams in your code makes code testable. Next, you'll learn a series of best practices that makes testing code easier such as, simplifying object construction, working with dependencies, and managing application state. Finally, you'll explore best practices further by walking through a code demo of each practice so you can see first-hand how they're implemented. These skills will make practices like unit testing significantly easier for you. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills necessary for writing testable code.

Table of contents

About the author

Matthew Renze - Pluralsight course - Writing Testable Code
Matthew Renze

Matthew Renze is an AI researcher, consultant, and author. As the founder of Renze Consulting, he has trained over 500,000 software developers and IT professionals. As the president of the Renze AI Research Institute, he researches cognitive architectures for agentic AI systems. Matthew has a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence from Johns Hopkins University. He is a Microsoft MVP in AI, a Microsoft Regional Director, and an author for Pluralsight. You can learn more at https://matthewrenze.com/

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