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Writing Content With Markdown

Learn the syntax and practice of writing content using Markdown and explore the tools that help you manage and deliver content via different web and HTML-centric channels.

Justin Schwartzenberger - Pluralsight course - Writing Content With Markdown
by Justin Schwartzenberger

What you'll learn

In this course, content authors of all types will learn what Markdown is, how it simplifies writing and managing content for the web, and the full syntax for indicating how the content should be marked up for the final HTML output. The course will cover different desktop and web based applications that support Markdown, and will step through the workflow for creating both general content, as well as full technical documentation.

Table of contents

About the author

Justin Schwartzenberger - Pluralsight course - Writing Content With Markdown
Justin Schwartzenberger

Justin Schwartzenberger is a Lead Software Engineer at Couto Solutions where he spends most of his time on both the front end and back end of web development, jumping from client side to server side with a helping of DevOps in between.

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