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Working with ASP.NET Web API on AWS Lambda

This course will teach you how to deploy full ASP.NET Web API applications that use SQL databases to the AWS Lambda service.

Bryan Hogan - Pluralsight course - Working with ASP.NET Web API on AWS Lambda
by Bryan Hogan

What you'll learn

In this course, *Working with ASP.NET Web API on AWS Lambda*, you’ll learn how to use the AWS Lambda service to host your ASP.NET Web API applications. First, you’ll see why the Lambda service is such a good home for Web APIs, get some background on the service, and see how easy it is to deploy a simple Web API application to Lambda. Next, you’ll learn about the .NET project templates that are available to help you get started and see more on deploying applications to the Lambda service, including taking an existing .NET Web API application and making it deployable to Lambda. Many Web API applications connect to relational databases; this is no problem if your application is running on Lambda. You will learn about the available databases, how to connect to them, and how to store credentials. You will also learn about accessing databases via a relational database service proxy. Finally, you’ll learn about logging, monitoring, and authentication/authorization. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Lambda and related services needed to build, deploy, and run .NET Web API applications on the AWS Lambda service.

Table of contents

About the author

Bryan Hogan - Pluralsight course - Working with ASP.NET Web API on AWS Lambda
Bryan Hogan

Bryan Hogan has been working in the tech industry for the past 17 years, most of which has been spent in the C# .NET world. He hosts a podcast, interviewing people in the tech industry from around the world and writes a blog. Prior to moving to Boston, Bryan lived in Budapest and Blagoevgrad, and frequently visited Berlin (he loves the letter “B”). In previous lives Bryan studied telecommunications, and worked on assistive technology to give blind and otherwise disabled students access to books at university. Bryan lives in the Boston area where is he is involved in the tech community through local events and his podcast.

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