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Introduction to WireMock 2

Dive into WireMock, a simulator for HTTP-based APIs. WireMock helps make testing easier by replacing your application's HTTP dependencies with a simulation that you can control.

Andrew Morgan - Pluralsight course - Introduction to WireMock 2
by Andrew Morgan

What you'll learn

When your application depends on an external API, testing that it functions as expected can be challenging. In this course, Introduction to WireMock 2, you will gain the ability to easily simulate the APIs that your application under test depends on. First, you will learn how to stub and verify interactions with an API using WireMock. Next, you will discover how to run it standalone, both for recording and simulating APIs. Finally, you will explore more advanced concepts such as simulating fails, HTTPS, templating, and state. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills needed to use WireMock to simulate the HTTPs APIs that your application depends on.

Table of contents

About the author

Andrew Morgan - Pluralsight course - Introduction to WireMock 2
Andrew Morgan

Andrew is an independent consultant with cross-functional expertise in the design, development, and deployment of enterprise level software systems. Working with various clients, Andrew has been exposed to many different technology stacks, most recently specializing in Java Microservices and continuous delivery.

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