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Introduction to Windows PowerShell Scripting

by Adam Bertram

Dive into the world of PowerShell scripting with this beginner-friendly course. Master the essentials of PowerShell script execution, understand object types, and automate tasks effectively.

What you'll learn

PowerShell scripting is an essential skill for efficient Windows administration and automation. In this course, Introduction to Windows PowerShell Scripting, you'll start from the basics and gradually build up to more complex scripting techniques. First, you'll learn how to execute scripts safely and understand PowerShell's scope and profiles. Next, you'll delve into conditional statements, loops, and error handling to create robust scripts. Finally, you'll explore working with common object types in PowerShell, formatting strings, and casting objects. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to automate and streamline tasks in a Windows environment effectively.

Table of contents

Course Overview
Script Signing for Enhanced Security
Course Summary and Next Steps

About the author

Adam Bertram is a technical writer, independent consultant focused on PowerShell and cloud, and 6x Microsoft MVP. Adam specializes in PowerShell and all things IT automation.

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