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Building Windows 8 Apps with C++ and XAML

by Kate Gregory

Learn how to build modern UI applications for Windows 8 using C++ and XAML.

What you'll learn

With Windows 8 a new application model was introduced, along with a new runtime called WinRT (Windows RunTime.) In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of developing Windows 8 modern UI applications in C++ using language extensions called C++/CX, XAML, and the WinRT libraries. Leverage the C++ skills you already have and develop Metro apps for Windows 8 with the same libraries as C# or Javascript programmers.

About the author

Kate Gregory is in her fifth decade of being paid to program. Her firm, Gregory Consulting Limited, is based in rural Ontario and helps clients adopt new technologies and adjust to the changing business environment. Mentoring, technical writing, and technical speaking are her preferred ways of sharing wisdom with large groups of people. Kate is the author of over a dozen books and speaks at conferences around the world, with keynotes on 5 continents. Kate develops courses (primarily on C++) for ... more

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