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Web Crawling and Scraping Using Rcrawler

by Dan Tofan

Data is often available on web pages, requiring extra effort and caution to retrieve it. This course is about the Rcrawler package which is a web crawler and scraper that you can use in your R projects.

What you'll learn

How can you get the data you need from a website into your R projects? How about automating it using the Rcrawler package? In this course, Web Crawling and Scraping Using Rcrawler, you will cover the Rcrawler package in three steps. First, you will go over some basic concepts, structures of a web page, and examples to get the big picture. Next, you will discover some implications of crawling and how to avoid risks. Finally, you will explore topics such as how to get the data you need from a web page, how to get the web pages you need from a large website, and how to troubleshoot Rcrawler. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge of Rcrawler needed to help automate the process of retrieving data from web pages.

About the author

Dan started programming decades ago on a Spectrum clone and started his professional programming career in 2003. Eager to learn, Dan moved to Netherlands to study at the University of Groningen. Now, Dan is proud of his PhD thesis on decision making and knowledge acquisition in software architecture, and about a dozen publications with hundreds of citations. Dan used Microsoft technologies for many years, but migrated gradually to Python, Linux and AWS, to learn more of the computing world. Cur... more

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