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VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security

Part 3 of 3 in the VMware vSphere Security Design series focuses on advanced security concepts in VMware virtualization.

Lane Leverett - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
by Lane Leverett
Jason Nash - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
by Jason Nash
David Davis - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
by David Davis

What you'll learn

Part 3 of 3 in the VMware vSphere Security Design series focuses on advanced security concepts in VMware virtualization. The goal of this course is to take you beyond basic implementation, configuration, and administration of VMware vSphere and teach you the skills needed to properly secure a vSphere environment. You’ll learn information security and risk management concepts, how virtualization affects security, guidelines and best practices for securing a virtual environment, and securing virtual machines. This course is recommended for those who have existing VMware vSphere knowledge who want to enhance their security knowledge.

Table of contents

About the authors

Lane Leverett - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
Lane Leverett

Lane has worked in the IT industry for over 13 years. He has worked as a Server, Network, and Virtualization engineer in both private and public sector organizations.

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Jason Nash - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
Jason Nash

Jason Nash has over 15 years of industry experience and is currently the Data Center Solutions Principal at Varrow, a leader in virtualization, storage, and DR located in the southeast.

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David Davis - Pluralsight course - VMware vSphere Security Design: Advanced Security
David Davis

David has authored over 50 courses for around enterprise data center technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization, and (especially) VMware vSphere.

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