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VMware vCloud Director Essentials

Learn the basics of cloud computing and how to create a hybrid cloud to deploy IT resources on-demand with VMware vCloud Director.

David Davis - Pluralsight course - VMware vCloud Director Essentials
by David Davis
Jake Robinson - Pluralsight course - VMware vCloud Director Essentials
by Jake Robinson

What you'll learn

This comprehensive course teaches you cloud computing basics and shows you how to use VMware vCloud Director to create a hybrid cloud that can deploy IT resources on-demand. You'll learn cloud computing and vCloud Director 101, how to build a vCloud Director lab, how to manage vCloud Director resources, and how to create catalogs and vApps. This course is designed for those who have little to no experience in cloud computing, but want to learn solid skills to build upon.

Table of contents

About the authors

David Davis - Pluralsight course - VMware vCloud Director Essentials
David Davis

David has authored over 50 courses for around enterprise data center technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization, and (especially) VMware vSphere.

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Jake Robinson - Pluralsight course - VMware vCloud Director Essentials
Jake Robinson

Jake has a broad range of IT infrastructure experience. This experience ranges from telecom and networking, to operating systems from Microsoft and Linux.

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