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Visual Studio 2022: Big Picture

Visual Studio 2022 is the latest edition of Microsoft’s most powerful Integrated Development Environment. This course will teach you what it is and why you should use it.

Barry Luijbregts - Pluralsight course - Visual Studio 2022: Big Picture
by Barry Luijbregts

What you'll learn

Selecting the right Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for your software development is hard. In this course, Visual Studio 2022: Big Picture, you’ll learn how Visual Studio 2022 can help you with software development. First, you’ll explore how Visual Studio fits in the Microsoft ecosystem. Next, you’ll discover the release cadence and editions of Visual Studio. Finally, you’ll learn what functionality Visual Studio provides. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge of Visual Studio 2022 needed to know why and when you should use it.

Table of contents

About the author

Barry Luijbregts - Pluralsight course - Visual Studio 2022: Big Picture
Barry Luijbregts

Barry is a software architect and developer with a passion for the cloud. He has worked for lots of companies throughout the last decade and is keen to share his knowledge with the community. He co-founded a usergroup focused on technology and soft-skills and currently teaches people about the benefits of the cloud.

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