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Developing for Azure with Visual Studio 2022

This course will teach you how to use the tools and features available in Visual Studio 2022 that will increase your inner development loop productivity when building Azure applications.

Matthew Soucoup - Pluralsight course - Developing for Azure with Visual Studio 2022
by Matthew Soucoup

What you'll learn

Visual Studio 2022 contains a wealth of tooling to help you develop Azure applications. In this course, Developing for Azure with Visual Studio 2022, you’ll learn to use Visual Studio to its fullest when building Azure applications. First, you’ll explore the tooling provided that will help you create applications and manage dependencies to other Azure services. Next, you’ll discover several methods to deploy your applications to Azure with VS 2022. Finally, you’ll learn how to attach to and debug an app running on Azure with Visual Studio 2022 and monitor its logs and performance. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of the Azure tooling in Visual Studio 2022 needed to build Azure applications fast.

Table of contents

About the author

Matthew Soucoup - Pluralsight course - Developing for Azure with Visual Studio 2022
Matthew Soucoup

Matthew is a Microsoft and Xamarin MVP from Madison, WI. He has been developing mobile applications with Xamarin and Mono.iOS and Mono.Droid since 2010. Matt regularly speaks at user groups, code camps and conferences throughout the nation and the Midwest.

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