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VB.NET 4 Fundamentals

Learn all the standard syntax of Visual Basic such as defining variables, if statements, and loop constructs. Learn object-oriented principles such as inheritance, overloading and overriding.

Paul D. Sheriff - Pluralsight course - VB.NET 4 Fundamentals
by Paul D. Sheriff

What you'll learn

In this course you learn the syntax of the Visual Basic language so when you are done, you will have a foundational knowledge on how to program applications in .NET. First you learn about .NET and Visual Basic for development. Next you learn about variables, operators and constants. You then learn object-oriented principles and how to create reusable DLLs. Collections such as ArrayList, Dictionary and generic List objects are explored next. Finally, you learn about if statements and loop constructs. Along the way you build several reusable DLLs, a WPF application and an MVC application. When you are finished with this course you will have the skills and knowledge to build .NET applications using Visual Basic. Software required: Visual Studio 2019, .NET 4.5+, Visual Basic.

Table of contents

About the author

Paul D. Sheriff - Pluralsight course - VB.NET 4 Fundamentals
Paul D. Sheriff

Paul loves teaching and technology, and has been teaching tech and business topics for over 30 years. Paul helps clients develop applications, and instructs them on the best use of technology.

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