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UX Design for Graphic Designers

If you're a Graphic Designer looking to break into UX, then this is the course for you. You'll be learning what UX Designers do, how to sell designs to stakeholders, and a general walkthrough of a typical project at a digital agency.

Brett Marshall - Pluralsight course - UX Design for Graphic Designers
by Brett Marshall

What you'll learn

In this course, UX Design for Graphic Designers, you'll be talked through a typical website project at a digital agency. First, you'll explore what UX designers do, how it differs from graphic design, and how they can fit into an organization. Next, you'll discover the basics of incorporating research into your work. This includes speaking to key stakeholders, talking to people that use the website or app, and many more research methods. Finally, you'll learn that unless you plan on building the website or app you're designing, you're going to have to learn how to work with developers. By the end of this course, you'll know enough about UX design to transition from a graphic designer to a UX designer. This could be making that transition within the company you're currently at, or building a portfolio to get your first UX design job. Software required: Adobe Experience Design (Beta).

Table of contents

About the author

Brett Marshall - Pluralsight course - UX Design for Graphic Designers
Brett Marshall

Brett Marshall is a UX Designer who has conducted workshops and managed multidisciplinary teams. Brett has also worked with Nutanix, Surfrider, VOA, and The YMCA.

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