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UX Accessibility

You’re losing users due to design and accessibility issues. This course will teach you to design accessible digital products for all.

Jeff Hurd - Pluralsight course - UX Accessibility
by Jeff Hurd

What you'll learn

Nearly 1 in 5 people in the United States alone who have a disability. In this course, UX Accessibility, you’ll learn to how to make digital products accessible. First, you’ll explore what accessibility is and why it’s so important to implement. Next, you’ll discover how to develop accessible UX. Finally, you’ll learn how to make a page work properly with assistive technology. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of UX Accessibility needed to design any digital product with all end-users in mind.

Table of contents

About the author

Jeff Hurd - Pluralsight course - UX Accessibility
Jeff Hurd

Jeff has over 10 years experience working in video production and product management.

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