Utilizing Dynamic Blocks and Data Extraction for BIM in AutoCAD
In this AutoCAD tutorial, we'll learn an approach to BIM methodology. Software required: AutoCAD 2013, Excel 2010.
What you'll learn
In this AutoCAD tutorial, we'll learn an approach to BIM methodology. We'll take a deep look into dynamic blocks, how to create our own dynamic blocks, the different parameters and actions we can apply to them and how to add them into our project. Next we'll check out text attributes and learn how we can work with them. Later, we'll apply both concepts, dynamic blocks and attributes to input data into our project. Finally, we'll see how to extract this information into a data table in Excel. By the end of this AutoCAD training, you'll understand that all these options combined give us the possibility to increase the amount of information held by our project, which is the main principle of BIM methodology. Software required: AutoCAD 2013, Excel 2010.
Table of contents
- Creating Our First Dynamic Block 8m
- Adding the Visibility Parameter 11m
- Adding the Array Action to a Dynamic Block 10m
- Implementing the Stretch and Lookup Actions 9m
- Applying Multiple Actions to One Block 11m
- Introducing Text Attributes 6m
- Inputting Data into Our Blocks 6m
- Updating Data Automatically 8m
- Discovering Block Action Data 8m
- Managing and Extracting Our Project Data 12m