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Using WMI and CIM in PowerShell

by Thomas Lee

This course teaches you how you can use the CIM cmdlets and PowerShell to manage local and remote systems.

What you'll learn

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a core component of Windows that enables you to manage hosts both locally and remotely. Virtually every driver and OS subsystem/feature/role supports a WMI interface. As WMI is standards based, it also interoperates with Open Source systems that implement Open Management Instrumentation (OMI). The CIM cmdlets, introduced with PowerShell v3, provide a superior module you can use to manage systems using WMI (both Windows systems and any host that implements OMI). The course first looks at the architecture of WMI, how to explore WMI, and how to connect to WMI on remote and local machines. The course teaches you how to manage your systems with WMI, including creating, modifying, and destroying WMI data instances, invoke WMI methods locally or remotely, and managing eventing. We also look at associators and references used to link WMI data items. The course presents theory, shows how to use PowerShell to perform key operations, and provides demonstrations so you can see this technology at work. The CIM cmdlets are a set of cmdlets you use to manage your system as we show in this course.

Table of contents

About the author

Thomas is an IT Industry veteran of over 40 years. He has been involved in Microsoft products since the very beginning of the IBM PC and DOS. Thomas provides consultancy and training around a range of Microsoft products, concentrating recently on PowerShell and Lync Server. Thomas has been a Microsoft MVP for 17 of the past 18 years and runs PowerShell training courses around the world. He has also been heavily involved in LCS/OCS/OCSR2 and Lync training across EMEA and around the world. He has ... more

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