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Using SVG Filters for Web Design and Animation

In this course, we will harness the power of SVG filters for your future projects. Software required: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Sublime Text 2.

Gary Simon - Pluralsight course - Using SVG Filters for Web Design and Animation
by Gary Simon

What you'll learn

In this course, we will harness the power of SVG filters for your future projects. SVG filters provide designers with many ways to manipulate objects including text, CSS rendered graphics, and photographs. This course will provide you with a fundamental overview of SVG filters by implementing them in two projects. Software required: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Sublime Text 2.

Table of contents

About the author

Gary Simon - Pluralsight course - Using SVG Filters for Web Design and Animation
Gary Simon

Gary Simon has worked exclusively as a freelance designer and design instructor for over 15 years.

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