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Understanding OAuth with Node.js

OAuth has become the defacto authorization protocol for web services. This course will teach you how to implement OAuth in your Node.js application safely, so you can give your users the best experience possible while keeping them safe.

Justin Boyer - Pluralsight course - Understanding OAuth with Node.js
by Justin Boyer

What you'll learn

What do you do when you need to integrate with a web service? In this course, Understanding OAuth with Node.js, you’ll learn foundational knowledge required to implement OAuth in your Node.js application. First, you’ll explore building an OAuth client. Next, you’ll discover how to create an OAuth protected resource. Finally, you’ll learn how to construct an authorization server. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of OAuth needed to integrate with and protect web services in Node.js.

Table of contents

About the author

Justin Boyer - Pluralsight course - Understanding OAuth with Node.js
Justin Boyer

Justin Boyer writes copy and content for tech companies. He started his IT career as a software developer, then moved into application security, becoming Security+ and CSSLP certified.

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