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Understanding NoSQL

A primer on NoSQL and how it compares to relational database technology

Andrew Brust - Pluralsight course - Understanding NoSQL
by Andrew Brust

What you'll learn

A discussion of NoSQL's general characteristics, an investigation of the four major NoSQL subcategories, a review of when NoSQL and relational technology work best, a review of NoSQL technologies in the Microsoft stack and recommendations on NoSQL adoption

Table of contents

About the author

Andrew Brust - Pluralsight course - Understanding NoSQL
Andrew Brust

Andrew Brust is Senior Director of Technical Product Marketing and Evangelism at Datameer, and writes about Big Data for the technology news site, ZDNet. Andrew is the co-author of "Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2012" (Microsoft Press); an advisor to NYTECH, the New York Technology Council; serves as Microsoft Regional Director and MVP; writes the Redmond Review column for; and serves as co-chair of the Visual Studio Live! developer conference.

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