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Understanding .NET and WCF Transactions

This course aims to make you truly understand transactions. It first lays down the architecture of transactions, and then demonstrates how this architecture is implemented in .NET and WCF.

Mohamad Halabi - Pluralsight course - Understanding .NET and WCF Transactions
by Mohamad Halabi

What you'll learn

Strictly speaking, implementing transactions in .NET and WCF is easy: you use WCF attributes to control the service and operations behaviors, and you are done! Moreover, an easier task is to transaction-enable .NET applications. .NET provides you with the classes to do just that. If that is the case, then why a course about transactions? Well, that is because just like everything else in programming, you need to understand the architecture, the underground of whatever seems to be an easy task. Only then can you design solutions as opposed to only coding them. WCF transactions are built from ground up around .NET transactions. This is hardly surprising anyway, since WCF is a .NET technology. However, this sums up as follows: you need to understand how .NET does transactions in order to utilize them in WCF.

Table of contents

About the author

Mohamad Halabi - Pluralsight course - Understanding .NET and WCF Transactions
Mohamad Halabi

Mohamad is a solution architect, based in Sydney, currently working for MuleSoft/Salesforce. He's an 8 time Microsoft MVP, Ex-Oracle, and holds a Masters degree in Enterprise Architecture.

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