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Understanding and Counteracting Conscious and Unconscious Bias

This course is designed as a resource to help organizations and communities build more diverse and inclusive cultures. In this course, we take a deep look into what bias is, where it stems from, and the harm it can cause to others.

Alice Meredith - Pluralsight course - Understanding and Counteracting Conscious and Unconscious Bias
by Alice Meredith

What you'll learn

Studies in human behavior show that all people are hardwired to have bias. This course, Understanding and Counteracting Conscious and Unconscious Bias, is designed as a resource to help organizations and communities build more diverse and inclusive cultures. First, you'll take a deep look into what bias is, where it stems from, and the harm it can cause to others. Next, you’ll learn to differentiate between conscious and unconscious bias and learn why we have it and where it comes from. Then, you'll discover skills and techniques to help counteract the bias within everyone to ensure all humans are respected and valued for their unique differences. By the end of this course, you'll have learned skills to help you become more inclusive in your communication, behaviors, and interactions with others.

Table of contents

About the author

Alice Meredith - Pluralsight course - Understanding and Counteracting Conscious and Unconscious Bias
Alice Meredith

Alice has vast experience as a multi-level senior leader with retail operations and human resources as specialties. Experience includes 27 years of leadership supporting technology companies holding positions of Regional Director, District Manager, Senior HR Market Manager, and Senior Manager Labor & Employee Relations.

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