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Understanding and Applying Factor Analysis and PCA

Factor Analysis and PCA are powerful tools, applicable in many common situations in business and data analysis. This course covers both the theory and implementation of factor analysis and PCA, in Excel (using VBA), Python, and R.

Vitthal Srinivasan - Pluralsight course - Understanding and Applying Factor Analysis and PCA
by Vitthal Srinivasan

What you'll learn

Factor Analysis and PCA are key techniques for dimensionality reduction, and latent factor identification. In this course, Understanding and Applying Factor Analysis and PCA, you'll learn how to understand and apply factor analysis and PCA. First, you'll explore how to cut through the clutter with factor analysis. Next, you'll discover how to carry out factor analysis using PCA, a powerful ML-based approach. Then, you'll learn how to perform eigenvalue decomposition, a cookie-cutter linear algebra procedure. Finally, you'll learn how to implement PCA to explain Google's stock returns in Excel and VBA, R, and Python. By the end of this course, you'll have a strong applied knowledge of factor analysis and PCA that will help you solve complex business problems.

Table of contents

About the author

Vitthal Srinivasan - Pluralsight course - Understanding and Applying Factor Analysis and PCA
Vitthal Srinivasan

An engineer and tinkerer, Vitthal has worked at Google, Credit Suisse, and Flipkart and studied at Stanford and INSEAD. He has worn many hats, each of which has involved writing code and building models. He is passionately devoted to his hobby of laughing at his own jokes.

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