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Typography for the Web

In this course, we'll learn how to start thinking about type on the web by considering the many contexts for which we have to design.

Susan Simkins - Pluralsight course - Typography for the Web
by Susan Simkins

What you'll learn

If you want your users or customers to retain information and have a more pleasant experience, then type is one of the single most important factors. In this course, we'll learn how to start thinking about type on the web by considering the many contexts for which we have to design. We'll go over how the browser renders type, different methods for using and pairing fonts on the web, and how to use readability, hierarchy, contrast, and white space to improve our typography for the web. This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of typography, and some of the discussion and concepts are explored using basic CSS.

Table of contents

About the author

Susan Simkins - Pluralsight course - Typography for the Web
Susan Simkins

Susan is a web design author for Pluralsight. Growing up, Susan was both a passionate artist as well as a computer tech aficionado. When she discovered the world of web development, she found that she could meld those two passions together into something amazing. Soon after, Susan began devoting herself to building beautiful and functional web content for businesses and nonprofits. It was through those experiences Susan developed a fluency for web coding languages.

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