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Transforming Robot Production Pipeline Volume 10: Compositing

In this Professional Series course, we will explore some the techniques and concepts used during the compositing of our transforming robot project. Software required: NUKEX 6.3.

What you'll learn

In this Professional Series course, we will explore some the techniques and concepts used during the compositing of our transforming robot project. We will learn how to deal with issues importing our passes and how to create a missing pass. From there, we will learn the basic shuffle and compositing techniques, along with some novel uses of various passes to enhance our composite. We will color correct the foreground and background to match. To ground the vehicle, we will create particle effects in NUKEX. Finally, we will finish the shot with post effects like flares, lens reflections, lens distortion, blooms, grain, etc. In the end, we will have our completed shot in NUKE. Software required: NUKEX 6.3.

Table of contents