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Tidyverse: R Playbook

Learn some of the most powerful things and best reasons for using R with the Tidyverse! You'll learn how to wrangle your data with tidyr and dplyr, as well as make some incredible plots with ggplot2.

Chase DeHan - Pluralsight course - Tidyverse: R Playbook
by Chase DeHan

What you'll learn

The Tidyverse is one of the best reasons to be an R user - the power and flexibility of this library is incredibly intuitive and makes it really great to be working in R. In this course, Tidyverse: R Playbook, you will gain the ability to quickly wrangle data into the desired format and then be able to make some amazing plots. All of this is done with the same syntax and gives great power to accomplish your data goals using R. First, you will learn how to wrangle data easily with the dplyr package. Next, you will discover the proper way to structure a dataframe and manipulate any dataframe into that structure using the tidyr package. Finally, you will explore why R is the best language for data visualization by diving into the ggplot2 package. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of the Tidyverse and the ability to take messy data and turn it into beautiful plots!

Table of contents

About the author

Chase DeHan - Pluralsight course - Tidyverse: R Playbook
Chase DeHan

Chase is currently Lead Data Scientist at Tesorio and formerly was an Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics at the University of South Carolina Upstate.

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