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ML and the IoT: Living on the Edge

by THAT Conference

THAT Conference 2019 | ML and the IoT: Living on the Edge | Brandon Satrom

What you'll learn

Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) are a match made in heaven. However, leveraging ML with IoT has historically meant backhauling all your sensor data to the Cloud. When the cloud is involved, security is a concern and, in the realm of IoT, security is often a "dirty" word. But modern embedded systems, microcontrollers, and single-board computers are becoming more powerful and more sophisticated, and it's becoming increasingly possible to bring Machine Learning closer to sensors and IoT devices. Edge ML enables quicker insights, tighter security, and even true predictive action. In this session, Brandon Satrom explores the state of the art in Edge ML and IoT and talks about practical ways that developers can get started with both.

Table of contents

ML and the IoT: Living on the Edge

About the author

THAT Conference is the “Summer Camp for Geeks” that combines technology, networking, social events, and exposure in an inspirational, family-friendly environment. Over four days, folks of diverse backgrounds and expertise levels gather to take advantage of multiple learning mediums to maximize one’s community and career advancements. Engage with true practitioners, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs while enjoying the perks of summer camp at a giant waterpark.

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