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The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly

by THAT Conference

THAT Conference 2019 | Going Fast: The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly | Josh Carroll

What you'll learn

Building software is a tricky business and the demands are higher than ever. Agile was meant to free you from the confines of red-tape driven software, but most people can't help but feel something is off in their software process. Do you wonder why startups can launch an entire product in a few months, but it took your team 6 months to get that new feature into production? Do you get tired of hour-long meetings with 16 people to talk about having another meeting to talk about the color of a button to use? Are you stuck building a bunch of features "just in case" instead of getting something working in front of a user? Does it take you more time to plan, document, and release a simple change than it does to actually make the change? If any of these questions resonate with you, Josh Carroll has a simple question that you, your team, and your company can ask that will help cut through the bloat in your software process and start delivering value like never before.

Table of contents

Going Fast: The Art of Delivering Quality Software Quickly

About the author

THAT Conference is the “Summer Camp for Geeks” that combines technology, networking, social events, and exposure in an inspirational, family-friendly environment. Over four days, folks of diverse backgrounds and expertise levels gather to take advantage of multiple learning mediums to maximize one’s community and career advancements. Engage with true practitioners, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs while enjoying the perks of summer camp at a giant waterpark.

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