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Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber

by Rem Zolotykh

Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey.

What you'll learn

Learn how to test-drive your Rails application from scratch. This course covers everything you need to start your TDD journey: you'll learn the main principles behind test-driven development, and you'll see how to write acceptance, controller, and model specs. You'll also learn how to use Factory Girl gem to prepare data for your specs and how to test most common cases in web development. By the end of this course, you'll see how all these parts come together while we test-drive features for real Rails applications.

Table of contents

Closing Thoughts

About the author

Rem is an independent Ruby consultant. His main area of expertise is Ruby, Rails, and JavaScript development, though he likes to learn new things outside of his field to widen his perspective. For over five years he has been helping clients optimize and automate their workflows with the help of software. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with others and has about 10 years of experience in teaching. When not working with software, Rem likes to play piano and gather with friends and family to pl... more

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