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Getting Started with Terraform Cloud

As Terraform is adopted across the industry, companies discover they need to collaborate within teams and across the organization. This course will teach you how to use Terraform Cloud to deliver collaboration and automation in a managed environment.

Ned Bellavance - Pluralsight course - Getting Started with Terraform Cloud
by Ned Bellavance

What you'll learn

As the use of Terraform expands in an organization, a need arises for simple collaboration, workflow automation, and a reliable and consistent execution environment. In this course, Getting Started with Terraform Cloud, you’ll learn to leverage the services and features available in the Terraform Cloud managed service. First, you’ll explore what Terraform Cloud is and how to onboard your organization. Next, you’ll discover how to set up an automated workflow that is integrated with versioned source control. Finally, you’ll learn how to use integrations like Sentinel and the private module registry. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Terraform Cloud needed to successfully migrate your organization.

Table of contents

About the author

Ned Bellavance - Pluralsight course - Getting Started with Terraform Cloud
Ned Bellavance

Ned Bellavance is an IT professional and Microsoft MVP with almost 20 years of experience in the industry. Passionate about technology, he is always looking to embrace future trends and share new discoveries with the community.

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