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SwiftFest Boston '19: Accessibility -> up to 11!

SwiftFest Boston 2019 | Accessibility -> up to 11! | Dani Devesa

SwiftFest Boston - Pluralsight course - SwiftFest Boston '19: Accessibility -> up to 11!
by SwiftFest Boston

What you'll learn

It is time to bring the accessibility levels of your app up to eleven! In this session, Dani Devesa takes you on a journey to create accessible apps and experiences that all users will be able to use and love. You'll learn how to deal with Dynamic Types and Auto Layout, what occurs with hidden actions when using the app with VoiceOver, what to do when the user wants inverted colors, and the purpose of the Rotor.

Table of contents

About the author

SwiftFest Boston - Pluralsight course - SwiftFest Boston '19: Accessibility -> up to 11!
SwiftFest Boston

SwiftFest is the most community-driven conference focused on Swift!

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